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A Peek Behind the Curtain

Claire began weaving her tales of whimsy and make-believe in early childhood, although she did not put pen—or pencil, or crayon—to paper until the fifth grade. From there, she never turned back. Now she is a modern Scheherazade who spins tales from thin air to keep herself entertained and sane. After raising four children and crossing the globe for thirty years as a Navy wife, she has a rich mine of material from which to draw inspiration.


Her first published novel, Do You Hear What I Hear? was published by Fleur de Lys Books and is available on Amazon in both print and Kindle format. She is currently working on her second novel for publication, Obituary Cocktail, available in late 2024.


Claire currently lives in the Tidewater area of Virginia with her husband, her son, and two Keeshonden. She enjoys listening to the roar of the surf, the wind in her hair as she drives with the windows down and her music in her ears, and the thoughts of her readers.

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